This is when the team first meet and familiarize themselves with each other,form interpersonal relationship and develop the team structure.
In this stage,most team members are positive and polite. Some are anxious,as they haven't fully understood what work the team will do. Others are simply excited about the task ahead.
As a leader,you must play a important roles at this stage.It is because member's roles and responsibilities aren't clear.Therefore, leadership is crucial at this stage because it helps members to sort out the objectives and get to know their new colleagues.
In this stage,people start to push against the boundaries established in the forming stage.This is the stage where many teams failed.Members will voice their individual differences.For example,team members will challenge your authority,or jockey for position as their roles are clarified.
Therefore,it is important for members to continue to be highly involved with each other,including to voice any concerns in order to feel represented and understood.
Moreover,leader should help members who is quiet and self-conscious to voice their opinions or views.In this moment,leadership will be tested among each other to gain recognition of which individual has the aptitude to lead.Members try to look for a position that suits their identity.
In this stage,people start to resolve their differences,appreciate colleagues'strengths, and respect your authority as a leader.
Now your team members know one another better,they may socialize together and able to ask one another for help and provide ideas comfortably.Members will also know their identity to achieve the goals together.The team leader should focus on continuing to clarify the roles of each member,and a clear and workable structure and process for the group to achieve its goals.
People develop a stronger commitment to the team goal,and you start to see good progress towards it.There is often a prolonged overlap between storming and norming. This is because as a new tasks come up,the team will lapse back into behavior from the storming stage.
In this stage,members know and realize their individuals roles and group goals. The leader has directed well enough to allow members to become self-reliant to complete the tasks necessary for the project to come together in its entirety.
Meetings become productive and individual work afterwards is consistent with the goals and tasks assigned.
It will be easy to be a part of team at this stage,and people who join or leave won't disrupt performance.
In this stage,it is clear to members and their organization that the team has achieved its goals.
Group will always come together at the end of a project and commend each other for their efforts,because each understands that parts of the project could not be completed without the other.